


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5.30PM; Sat & Sun: closed

Thomas Lin

Founder of TCM Chinese Medical Centre. TCM practitioner, Register of Health Practitioner (HPI #22LKNP)

  • Competence Review Committee (CRC) and Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) member of Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand (since March 2024)
  • Registered in the Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand (HPI #22LKNP): Chinese medicine practitioner (acupuncturist), Chinese massage (tuina) practitioner, and Chinese herbal medicine practitioner (since March 2023)
  • Vice President of Acupuncture NZ (The NZ Register of Acupuncturists Inc.) (2011-2020)
  • Won the William Wong Doo Award 2020
  • Member of Executive/Advisor Committee of WFAS (World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies) (since 2017)
  • ACC Asian Cultural Case Advisor (2009 – 2015), Won the award of Outstanding Achiever of ACC 2015
  • Colon Hydro Therapist (Since 2011)
  • ACC treatment provider (since 1996)
  • Director of TCM Chinese Medical Centre (since 1996)
  • Independent Advisor to NZ Health and Disability Commissioner (since 2005)

Born in 1967 Thomas was brought up in a rural China. His grandfather and father were both practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and practiced their skills among the local people. From a young age Thomas followed his father when he went to gather herbs in the mountains; his dream was to become a doctor one day. Thomas later studied medicine at the Guangzhou Medical University in China, and after five years, he graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine. After graduation, he became a lecturer in the Anatomy Department of the university and also practiced at the clinic there. He treated famous movie star Jackie Chan in 1992.

Thomas arrived in New Zealand in 1994 and worked as an Acupuncturist in Palmerston North for two years. In 1996 he took the examination and became a member of The New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (NZRA) and became an ACC treatment provider.

Thomas then registered his first company, TCM Chinese Medical Centre (TCM Development Ltd), in 1996, and on the 8th of November 1996 he established his first clinic, the TCM Chinese Medical Centre, in Madras Street, Christchurch. In he moved his business to Riccarton Road. He subsequently set up TCM services at Queenspark Health Care and at St Albans Medical Centre. At that time there were about 10,000 patients on file at the TCM Chinese Medical Centre. Over 200 GPs have referred patients to his clinic.  Thomas Lin was training to be Colon Hydro therapist in Feb. 2011. 

Thomas has trained over 100 private students in Chinese Acupressure, Chinese Massage, Manipulation and Reflexology. In 1992, Guangdong Province Television produced a series of 21 programs of Reflexology which were introduced by Thomas. He has conducted many presentations of Chinese Medicine Healthcare to local communities in Christchurch.

Thomas Lin has got married with Sunny Qin, he has got one daughter Sabryna Lin and two son Jayden Lin and Action Lin.

Thomas Lin would like to help the following conditions:

  • Acupuncture / acupressure / manipulation / traction / cupping for musculoskeletal problems, such as headaches caused by a stiff neck; shoulder pain from injury; frozen shoulder; tennis elbow; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; back muscle sprain; spinal disorders; sciatica. He also consults on many kinds of sports or work-related injuries.
  • Acupuncture / Cupping / Chinese herbs / Reflexology for medical problems, such as ‘flu, headaches; migraine; high blood pressure; insomnia; stress; anxiety; depression; coughing due to bronchitis; stomach-ache; diarrhea; constipation; women’s menstrual problems; morning sickness; quit smoking; shingles; with excellent results for sinusitis and hay fever.

Thomas is involved in many local Chinese community activities. He is the founder President of Christchurch GuangDong Association in 2007.

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Heechan Kim : ACC treatment provider

I graduated from Wonkwang University (Republic of Korea) with a degree in Doctor of
Oriental Medicine in 1988 (1982-1987) as well as a  Masters in Doctor of Oriental medicine
(1988-1989) in 1990. After obtaining 31 years of experience as a doctor of oriental medicine and running my own practice;  I moved to New Zealand to be with my family in 2020.

Furthermore, in 2001, I completed the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and
Oriental Medicine and was accepted as a NCCAOM member in the United States.

Due to my extensive studies and experience, I have a wide range of scope of practice.
However, I have particular interests in using acupuncture to help:

        Musculoskeletal diseases/injuries (e.g. plantar fasciitis, tendonitis,
tennis elbow, ligamental in juries etc.)

        Pain management (e.g. sciatica, chronic headaches etc.)

        Management of menstrual cycle symptoms

        Flu-like symptoms

        Gastrointestinal problems (e.g. indigestion, gastritis etc.)

김희찬 :

1982 원광대학교 한의과대학 입학

1989 한의사 면허증 취득

2001 미국 침구사 자격증 취득, NCCAOM 회원

1990 ~2010 한의원 운영

사용침법 : 경락침법, 사암침법, 8체질침법, 동씨침법

근골격계 질환 (각종 염좌, 족저근막염, 테니스엘보 )

각종 통증 질환 (두통, 좌골신경통, 근막통증후군 )

부인과 질환(월경불순, 월경통, 대하 )

호흡기 질환(감기 몸살, 비염 )

소화기 질환(소화불량, 위염, 대장염 )

신경성 질환(신경증, 화병, 불면 )

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Leona Lin, Colon Hydrotherapist/Receptionist

Leona has joined our clinic in Oct 2008.  She graduated from Guangzhou University, China in , 2002, majoring in English Literature, Psychology and Education Theory. She has excellent communication skills, and speaks fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. She previously worked as an Intermediate school teacher for five years.  Leona was trained to be a Colon Hydrotherapist in Feb 2011. She is also the receptionist in our clinic.

林丽红于 2008 年 10 月加入我们的诊所,她毕业于广州大学,主修英语文学,辅修心理学和教育理论。沟通能力出色,能流利地说英语、普通话和粤语。经验丰富(超过 5 年)中学教师。2005 年获得 Bank 2 中学教师证书。2006 年移民新西兰., Leona 于 2011 年 2 月接受结肠水疗师培训。Leona Lin 自 2008年以来一直担任我们诊所的接待员.

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Sunny Qin, Former Practice Manager

Congratulations for Sunny starts her new full time position as a senior associate in Young Hunter Lawyers from 6/05/2024.   Appreciate she has contributed the wonderful support as a practice manager in the past years.   Best wish for her new career.